What Is EMF Radiation?

Microwave Radiation
When water boils the DNA gets cooked. There is an opinion that this effect is accumulative.
See picture:
There are two main ways radiation can damage DNA inside living cells. Radiation can strike the DNA molecule directly, ionizing and damaging it. Alternately, radiation can ionize water molecules, producing free radicals that react with and damage DNA molecules. See below.
How Mobile Phone Radiation Penetrates The Brain
Microwave Radiation – When water boils the DNA gets cooked. There is an opinion that this effect is accumulative.
See picture:
On this penetration chart you can observe how the same phone has different penetration levels when used by person of different age. The cell phone puts out the same Electromagnetic Fieldit is different because the size of the head and thickness of the skull bone. And it varies from about 23% to 75% approximately.